If you are unable to attend on the new date, we may be able to exchange you in to another performance of your choice. Alternatively, we can also issue a full credit voucher to cover the entire cost of your original booking including any fees.
You can use this voucher at ATGTickets.com to book tickets for any future show at our UK venues. Your voucher will be valid to redeem for at least the next 12 months, so as long as you book by the noted expiry date then you will be able to select any future performance date on sale at that time.
Please don’t worry if you don’t find something you want to buy right now, as new shows are put on sale all the time. You can keep up to date with all the latest show information by signing up to receive email updates.
Please request an exchange to a new date or a full credit voucher here.
If you would prefer a refund please submit a refund request. The amount refunded will be the price paid for the ticket(s) including any per ticket booking fees but excluding the transaction fee and ticket protection. This is in accordance with our Terms and Conditions and the STAR Code of Practice.