In the top right of your screen is a ‘Login/Register’ button. If you are already registered as an Access Member, click the button to sign in.  

If you would like to register as an Access Member, full details and an online registration form can be found on our Access Membership page.



Once logged in please select your show and book your tickets. Click on any seat to see the accessible seats and price offers for Access Members, where available.

Black_Wheelchair_Icon_60x55.pngThis icon highlights wheelchair positions or accessible seats to transfer from a wheelchair (depending on the access requirements registered on your account).

If you cannot see a wheelchair icon, this means the wheelchair positions or suitable seats have sold out online; please Contact Us for advice.

   Access_Seats.pngYou may also see this icon highlighting certain accessible seats.

Shows with one identical ticket price for all seats and shows where all seats are already priced below £20 will not have a concession. Other price offers are available, including Family tickets, Price Promise, Local Heroes, Groups discounts and other concessions and special offers. In some cases these may be of more benefit to you, so please do review the different prices when booking.


More accessibility information

You can find detailed accessibility information on any show or venue page on this site; select your show or venue and scroll down for the Access tab, or visit our accessibility information article and select your venue from the list.  

Access on venue page.png


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