Bad Weather Can I get a refund due to bad weather?
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Please select all that apply.
We are asking because, if you are, we can combine your accounts, but this is not necessary to join our Access Membership Scheme.
Please select all options that are applicable - If you select ‘no specific seating requirements’ you will be able to book any available seats or applicable concessions. If you select any other option below we may only offer you a limited selection of seating that best matches your selected access requirements
Please select the most suitable option if you attend with an Assistance Dog.
If you have any additional comments or other access requirements you would like to tell us about, please do so here. This information will be shared with the team taking your booking and the Front of House team working during your visit. Please include your Nimbus Credability Access Card number here.
Please select all that apply
As proof of eligibility for Access Prices we request that you provide us with a copy of one of the following documents. Please select below which you will provide and attach a copy at the bottom of this form.
Only one document of proof is needed. If you are attaching proof for a Blue Badge, please provide an image of the front and the back.
Please enter your Nimbus Credibility number
If you would like to register for Personal Assistant tickets and do not have one of the above documents, please apply for an Access Card via their online form at You can choose to apply for the fully transferable Access Card, accepted by a wide range of organisations for a small charge, or if you prefer, a free version of the card specific to ATG venues.
ATG’s Access Membership Scheme is open to any disabled person (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) who is restricted in their ability to access the services provided in venues owned or operated by ATG. The Ambassador Theatre Group will hold your details, including your name and address, on its database in order to facilitate future bookings and help us meet your access requirements. The details given in this form will be listed on your ATG customer profile, after which this document will be permanently deleted. We require proof of eligibility to utilise certain aspects of the Membership Scheme as detailed in the registration form. Customers who intentionally give false information will have their Membership permanently revoked. We retain the right to review, amend or withdraw the Access Membership Scheme at any time, revoke Membership if the customer’s eligibility changes and to require customers to re-apply for a new Access Membership after review. The scheme is constantly monitored and reviewed. Full terms and conditions of the Access Membership Scheme and our standard terms and conditions of sale, which apply to all bookings, are available on our website:
Please note: By choosing one of the suggested articles, you will be navigated away from this form and you may lose the information you have entered.
Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.