When you make a reservation, you will be sent a provisional invoice via Email. It should look a little bit like this:

Group reservations.png

All the information you need will be included further down on the invoice including payment information, your balance due date and VAT details. We accept Card, BACS and Cheque Payments. Please note cheques must be sent before your payment due date. Any cheques received after this time may be declined.

For a card payment please call us on the number on your invoice, we are open Monday-Friday 9am-5.30pm closed weekends and bank holidays.

For a Bank Transfer please see the below details:

Branch Sort Code: 60-40-05
Account No: 41481844
National Westminster Bank PLC
Reference: *your order number*

Please ensure you include your order number as the reference.

For Cheque payments please check your invoice for the correct address.

Our VAT Number is: GB 689 2780 71 


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