If you joined ATG+ (previously TheatreCard Classic or TheatreCard Plus) Membership schemes with a one-off payment, you do not need to do anything. You will be automatically transferred to ATG+ while it is still valid, and your membership will automatically expire once it has reached its expiry date and no further payment will be taken.

For Memberships paid by Direct Debit:

  • Cancel your Direct Debit with your bank directly
  • Once you have done this, we ask that you notify us that you have cancelled your Membership by emailing us at membership@atgentertainment.com

All Direct Debits must be cancelled with your bank as per the Direct Debit Guarantee.

Please refer to the ATG+ Membership Terms and Conditions to check that you are entitled to cancel your membership. Please be aware that you may incur additional charges if you have used any membership benefits within the validity period.


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