Captioning and British Sign Language Interpretation

Find dates for our upcoming Captioned or BSL Interpreted performances on our Upcoming Access/Assisted Performances page.

We may recommend certain seats in the auditorium if you would like to use these services. Find out more on the venue or show’s Access tab, or Contact Us for advice.  

Hearing Enhancement 

Our venues all provide a hearing enhancement system to those who are hard of hearing in the auditorium.

Our venues operate one of two different systems; please check the articles below for the system in your theatre and instructions for use. If you’d like to speak to us about using this service please contact the venue’s Access Champion for advice. 

Assistance Dogs

Find out about our Assistance Dogs policy.

Content Warnings

If you are concerned about content that may be disturbing for yourself or for your assistance dog, please check the show’s web page for content warnings or contact the venue’s Access Champion for advice. 

Delivered At Seat service

Find out about our Delivered At Seat service.

Theatre staff on hand to help

Theatre staff will endeavour to help you in any way they can. Please ask for anything you need and they will do their very best to assist you.

Personal Assistants or Essential Companions

You may be eligible for a complimentary ticket if you require the support of another person; please see our Personal Assistant Ticket Policy or our Access Membership Scheme for full details. 


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