ATG Access customers are able to book accessible tickets online once registered with us.
If you would like to register as an Access Member, full details and an online registration form can be found on our Access Membership page.
Please see the below guide on how to book accessible tickets online:
In the top right of your screen is a ‘Login/Register’ button. In order to book using the access benefits and pricing, please log into your online account under the email address linked to your access account.
Once logged in please select the show and date your want to book tickets for.
No Specific Seating requirements
For customers who have no specific seating requirements and are able to sit in any seats within the theatre, you are able to select any standard seat and the access pricing will be available to select under the full price option. If you are also registered for an essential companion ticket, you can select a seat as a free essential companion ticket.
Specific Seating Requirements
For customers who have specific seating requirements, such as Visual or Hearing Impairments, the venue may have seats set aside to accommodate these needs. If this is the case, you will see the suitable seats available on the seating plan with the below icon:
Where specific seats are set aside for certain requirements, the access pricing will only be available for these seats. If you cannot see any seats with the above symbol, and your access benefits are not showing on standard seats, this means the suitable seats have sold out online or you do not have the necessary entitlement on your account; please Contact Us for advice.
Wheelchair users
For customers who require a wheelchair space (and will remain in the wheelchair for the duration of the performance), or where they require access to transfer into a venue seat, our theatres have specific seats set aside that are suitable with an accompanying companion seat.
Suitable seats will be depicted on the seating plan with the below icon:
This icon highlights wheelchair positions / accessible seats to transfer into, depending on the access requirements registered on your account. When selecting the seat, the pricing will advise if this is a wheelchair space or transfer seat. An example of this is provided below:
Wheelchair Position
Transfer Position
If you cannot see a wheelchair icon, this means the wheelchair positions or suitable seats have sold out online, or you do not have the necessary entitlement on your account; please Contact Us for advice.
*For shows where there is either one identical ticket price for all seats, or where all seats are already priced below £20 will not have a concession.
More accessibility information
You can find detailed accessibility information on any show / venue page on our website; simply scroll down for the Access tab as shown below. You can also visit our accessibility information article and select your venue from the list.